GUEST: ROBERT KNIGHT, columnist, Washington Times

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.  Ephesians 6:13

The Boy Scouts of America was once an organization that sought to instill values into boys that were largely based on the Bible—belief in God, patriotism, helping others, self-discipline, and heterosexual morality.

Today, the Boy Scouts, tellingly renamed “Scouts BSA” after allowing girls into their ranks, has declared bankruptcy. Would that financial bankruptcy were their only problem. Instead “Scouts BSA” has been morally bankrupted as well, when the homosexual movement from within and without forced their perversity on the organization.

Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times and an Eagle Scout, wrote about the tragic story of the Boy Scouts this week. The lesson for Christians is that the subversive tactics employed against the Boy Scouts are the same being used against the church.

Robert Knight will join us this weekend to detail how the homosexual movement subverted the Boy Scouts and corporations and is doing the same thing to their ultimate target—the church.  He will also explain what Christians and churches can do to stand firm.

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