
How to Navigate the Hate
Against Christians

CURRENT PROGRAM: February 15, 2025


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CURRENT PROGRAM: Saturday, February 15, 2025

Topic: How to Navigate the Hate Against Christians

GUEST: NATASHA CRAIN, author, When Culture Hates You

In speaking to His disciples, Jesus used strong language to describe the reaction the unbelieving world would have to His followers:

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you” (John 15:19).

Not dislikes you or misunderstands you or is confused by you but “hates you”.

Why does the world hate believers? Jesus answers that question: “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light lest his deeds be exposed” (John 3:20). In other words, the Light of Christ is in every true believer and a sanctified life convicts unbelievers of their sin and their alienation from God.

Even though the political winds have changed recently in this country, the spiritual winds will always be in the face of Christians. So how can believers obey their call to be salt and light—a preservative to what honors God and a light to the way of salvation? How do we avoid passivity (i.e. removing ourselves from engagement in society) but rather faithfully be an ambassador for Christ?

Our guest this weekend is Natasha Crain, the author of a new book and our new featured resource titled, When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square. She writes that the purpose of her book is “to give Christ followers the crucial understanding required to confidently advocate for righteousness in today’s increasingly dark and hostile culture.”

After laying the theological foundation for engagement, she addresses five hot-button issues of our day that Christians must know how to respond to.

Later in the program, we’ll hear part 2 of the interview with Pastor Jamie Bambrick, Editor-In-Chief of Clear Truth Media, on How Mis-Prioritized Love Has Contributed to the Decline of Western Civilization.

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As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good—a good defined by God alone—is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

When Culture Hates You is a call for Christians to unashamedly pursue righteousness in society out of our love for others.

256 pgs, softcover [retail $18.99]
This is a Worldview Partners “Featured Resource” so it will be automatically mailed.

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host, The Christian Worldview

Born and raised in Minnesota as the youngest of four children, David Wheaton came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in his early twenties while he was competing on the professional tennis tour. In 2002, he transitioned into radio, first hosting a program called Beyond Sports. Then two years later, The Christian Worldview began, focusing on current issues in the faith and the world.


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