host, The Christian Worldview
Born and raised in Minnesota as the youngest of four children, David Wheaton came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in his early twenties while he was competing on the professional tennis tour. In 2002, he transitioned into radio, first hosting a program called Beyond Sports. Then two years later, The Christian Worldview began, focusing on current issues in the faith and the world.
- feedback@thechristianworldview.org
- 888-646-2233 (toll-free)
Past Programs
TOPIC: Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 2
GUEST: JAMES WHITE, Alpha and Omega Ministries Proverbs 28:2 in the The New Living Translation reads this way: “When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise [...]
TOPIC: Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 1 of 2
Printer-friendly transcript GUEST: JAMES WHITE, Alpha and Omega Ministries In the opening chapter of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, he describes God-rejecting mankind, who “suppress the truth in unrighteousness”, whose “foolish [...]
Topic: The Strong Delusion Over Kamala Harris
Printer-friendly transcript GUEST: DARRELL HARRISON, pastor and co-host, Just Thinking podcast It’s been an unprecedented ascent for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee for president. She dropped out early in the [...]
TOPIC: The Primacy of Worship and Who/What the Political Parties Worship
Printer-friendly transcript GUEST: SCOTT ANIOL, Executive VP and Editor-in-Chief G3 Ministries There is no more important issue and pursuit than worshipping God. It’s more important than who will be our next president, more [...]
TOPIC: The Insidious Ideology of Social Justice
Printer-friendly transcript GUEST: JEFF KLIEWER, pastor and author, Woke-Free Church Paul wrote to the Colossians, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the [...]