20 Oct 2015

Who Jesus Is and How Are You Called to Respond?

2015-10-20T15:19:20-05:00Oct 20, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Every year around Easter, a television program or magazine will advertise a headline that goes something like this: “Who Is The Real Jesus?” “Scholars” will be interviewed who wax on about their own “research” and “new discoveries” about Jesus, all the while leaving the viewer/reader with more questions than answers by the end.

And that’s exactly their point—that Jesus is a mysterious character and that we really can’t be definitive about who He is…

20 Oct 2015

What Is The Most Important Environmental Task Facing American Christians Today?

2015-10-20T15:15:10-05:00Oct 20, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear something about environmental issues, whether global warming, climate change, recycling, “going green,” clean energy, fracking, or the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

Why is it that those with a humanistic worldview are the most vocal and active about protecting the environment? Is “global warming” occurring in the dire manner that we often hear? Should Christians be more engaged in environmental issues? What is the most […]

20 Oct 2015

The Journey from False Profession to Assurance of Salvation – rebroadcast from 10/18/14

2016-10-26T10:14:36-05:00Oct 20, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

…One pastor called the above passage from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount the scariest statement in Scripture. Imagine the horror of going through life thinking you’re a Christian and headed for eternity in heaven, but then standing before Christ on Judgment Day and hearing Him declare, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

According to this passage, a person can profess Christ as Lord and do amazing works in Christ’s name, […]

20 Oct 2015

Living Courageously for Christ

2015-10-20T15:05:27-05:00Oct 20, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

As major American institutions—business, politics, education, media, entertainment—increasingly reject anything biblical, Christ-followers in America are beginning to experience some of the marginalization and persecution that our brothers and sisters in the faith have encountered for millennia.

The cost could be the loss of a business or job for holding to the biblical view of sexuality, or perhaps being rejected or overlooked for a position—school board, teacher, scientist—for being “on the wrong side” of issues like evolution […]

16 Oct 2015

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder—What Will Help?

2015-10-16T19:00:00-05:00Oct 16, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

It’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD for short), and it “develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm” (National Institute of Mental Health).

PTSD is most known for effecting war veterans (up to 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans develop it according to a study by the Dep’t of Veteran Affairs). But it also impacts others who have experienced a highly stressful event like rape, kidnapping, […]

09 Oct 2015

What Should Biblical Christians Take Away from the Pope’s Visit?

2015-10-09T19:00:00-05:00Oct 09, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

[Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)]

Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, recently visited the United States, speaking to Congress, the United Nations, and hundreds of thousands more in Philadelphia.

Media coverage was almost non-stop to the extent that no other world leader has received so much or so favorable coverage (at least in my memory). This is somewhat surprising, considering the Roman Catholic Church has been riddled by child abuse scandals […]

02 Oct 2015

How Pragmatic Preaching Leads to Powerless People

2015-10-02T19:00:00-05:00Oct 02, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Englishman Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones is considered one of the most important and influential preachers of the last 100 years. A highly respected doctor, he gave up a burgeoning medical career to devote his life to looking after the health of men’s soul.

In an age today when pastors and churches spend lots of time focusing on “culturally relevant” worship music and settings and base their sermons on felt-need topics for “seekers” (unbelievers), the life and […]

18 Sep 2015

Who Jesus Is and How Are You Called to Respond? – rebroadcast of 04/04/15 program

2015-09-18T19:00:00-05:00Sep 18, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Every year around Easter, a television program or magazine will advertise a headline that goes something like this: “Who Is The Real Jesus?” “Scholars” will be interviewed who wax on about their own “research” and “new discoveries” about Jesus, all the while leaving the viewer/reader with more questions than answers by the end.

And that’s exactly their point—that Jesus is a mysterious character and that we really can’t be definitive about who He is.

Well, it’s […]

11 Sep 2015

What in the Worldview is Going On?

2015-09-11T19:00:00-05:00Sep 11, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

When you consider President Obama wants America to enter into a nuclear deal with Iran, a country who openly seeks our and Israel’s destruction…

When you see historically Christian-majority countries like Germany and England welcoming hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants…

When you watch Planned Parenthood and its supporters defend the killing of the unborn and the selling of their body parts…

Do you ever ask yourself, “What in the worldview leads people to do these things?”

This weekend […]

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