host, The Christian Worldview
Born and raised in Minnesota as the youngest of four children, David Wheaton came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in his early twenties while he was competing on the professional tennis tour. In 2002, he transitioned into radio, first hosting a program called Beyond Sports. Then two years later, The Christian Worldview began, focusing on current issues in the faith and the world.
- feedback@thechristianworldview.org
- 888-646-2233 (toll-free)
Past Programs
TOPIC: “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden”—Neither Pro-Life Nor Evangelical
GUEST: CAL BEISNER, founder, The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation A group that calls itself “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” has released a document calling for evangelical Christians to vote for Democrat Joe Biden for president. Why would professed pro-life Christians urge other Christians to vote for a [...]
TOPIC: George Soros Part 2: What Drives Soros and the Left?
Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. Hebrews 3:13 Last week we learned about George Soros, a Hungarian-born, Jewish-yet-atheist 90-year-old who amassed billions in investment trading and funds Leftist organizations—including Evangelical ones—who [...]
TOPIC: Who Is America’s Top (Human) Destroyer? Hint: George Soros
GUEST: FRANK WRIGHT, President, D. James Kennedy Ministries The drive to “fundamentally transform America” takes lots of money and organization. Whether funding those who… deconstruct the discovery, founding, and existence of America as white supremacist and systemically unjust, push unbiblical marriage and morality and abortion, consolidate government control over [...]
TOPIC: What’s at Stake with the Supreme Court Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett?
GUEST: MAT STAVER, Founder of Liberty Counsel You shall appoint for yourself judges and officers…and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. Deuteronomy 16:18 As if this year and upcoming national election needed another contentious issue, a seat on [...]
TOPIC: Three Fundamentals Driving the Division
“And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind…” Romans 1:28 While all that is taking place right now seems complex—unrelenting unrest and violence over “social injustice”, government mandates and shutdowns due to the Chinese-originated coronavirus, a [...]