host, The Christian Worldview
Born and raised in Minnesota as the youngest of four children, David Wheaton came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in his early twenties while he was competing on the professional tennis tour. In 2002, he transitioned into radio, first hosting a program called Beyond Sports. Then two years later, The Christian Worldview began, focusing on current issues in the faith and the world.
- feedback@thechristianworldview.org
- 888-646-2233 (toll-free)
Past Programs
TOPIC: How the Popularity of Mayor Pete Buttigieg Reflects the Worldview Transformation of America
Guest: Greg Gilbert, Senior Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. Galatians [...]
TOPIC: How to Be Faithful in Persecution
In the course of 250 years of American history, Christianity has gone from being revered and the informing worldview of our constitution and culture to being cast aside from public life. This devolution is occurring so rapidly now that Christians are openly persecuted for holding to orthodox biblical beliefs, particularly on the issue [...]
TOPIC: Mueller Report: No Trump Collusion with Russia. What This Says About 2019 America?
Guest: Curtis Bowers, Producer, Agenda films You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. Exodus 23:1 The Robert Mueller-led investigation as to whether Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 [...]
TOPIC: Religious Rights vs. LGBT Demands—Who Will Win?
GUEST: Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may [...]
TOPIC: Three Decisions for a God-Glorifying Marriage
One man one woman marriage is the first human institution that God established. The relational aspect of marriage reflects the relationship amongst the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible says that marriage is a model of Christ and His bride, the church. These are mega-truths of Scripture with far-reaching ramifications. They highlight [...]