Guest: Greg Gilbert, author, What is the Gospel? and Who Is Jesus?
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24
Redemption Weekend—which the world calls Easter—is next weekend (Mar. 25-27) and therefore what more important thing is there to focus on than the only Redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ, and the good news He has brought to the world through His life, death, and resurrection—the gospel?
Greg Gilbert, one of our favorite guests on The Christian Worldview, will join us this weekend to deepen our understanding of Christ and His atoning work on our behalf. He will also discuss what the gospel is, and importantly, what it isn’t.
Greg is the senior pastor of Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, KY and the author of two must-have books, What is the Gospel? and Who is Jesus? We are offering both books as part of our new current offer that we are calling “The Redemption Bundle.” You can order one for a donation of any amount or both for a donation of $25 or more.