13 Jul 2024

TOPIC: Teaching Biblical Doctrines to Children

2024-07-19T09:35:25-05:00Jul 13, 2024|Categories: Apologetics, Children, Creation, Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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My family and I are currently on a road trip to northern Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, both of which are owned and operated by Answers in Genesis, the ministry founded and led by Ken Ham, which boldly proclaims the authority of God’s Word and the gospel.

We have been conducting interviews with Ken and several others during […]

30 Apr 2024

TOPIC: How to Biblically View and Care for our Physical Bodies?

2024-05-01T21:39:27-05:00Apr 30, 2024|Categories: Christian Living, Evangelism, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: HALEY ERICKSON, Christian Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer

While there is great diversity in the world—religion, culture, socio-economic, geographic, personal experience, family background, education, etc.—there are some things we all have in common. One of them is a physical body.

It’s interesting to note that God spoke everything into existence except for Adam (man), which God formed the “dust from the ground, and breathed into […]

24 Feb 2024

TOPIC: How “He Gets Us” Doesn’t Get Jesus and the Gospel

2024-02-28T21:47:18-06:00Feb 24, 2024|Categories: Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Social Justice, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: Tom Buck, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church (Lindale, TX)

Back in 2022, we were interested to learn that a non-profit foundation, funded to the tune of $100M by mostly anonymous donors, had put together a marketing campaign called “He Gets Us” to, in their own words, “rediscover the life and teachings of Jesus, the world’s most radical love activist?”

Hmm, the life and teaching […]

15 Apr 2023

TOPIC: Improving Your Evangelism

2023-04-20T18:36:54-05:00Apr 15, 2023|Categories: Book Review, Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: RAY COMFORT, author, So Many Lions, So Few Daniels

Before being martyred in Rome, the apostle Paul wrote to the younger pastor Timothy with this final exhortation:

…be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).

The message is the same for all Christians today. We are living in a day where wickedness abounds […]

03 Sep 2022

TOPIC: The Need for Evangelical Repentance and Reformation

2022-09-08T22:20:36-05:00Sep 03, 2022|Categories: Christian History, Church, Evangelism, Gospel, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)

“Evangelical” once meant a Christian who believed in the authority of Scripture and the call to evangelize the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. But the devil, so to speak, is in the details of how that has played out over the decades.

Today many Evangelical churches and Evangelical para-church organizations—colleges, seminaries, publishing and music industries, camps, […]

16 Apr 2022

Antidote to Deconstruction—Embracing the Truth of Christ

2022-04-20T22:08:31-05:00Apr 16, 2022|Categories: Apologetics, Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: RAY COMFORT, Evangelist, The Evidence Study Bible

Deconstruction. It’s a current term for the age-old affliction the Bible calls apostasy—departing from professed orthodoxy to heterodoxy, often in the form of theological liberalism or atheism.

Joshua Harris, once a popular pastor and author, went through a highly publicized “de-conversion”. There have been many others, often in their twenties and thirties, leading to the coining of another term—Exvangelical.

This Easter weekend, evangelist Ray Comfort joins […]

22 Jan 2022

TOPIC: Enemies Within the Church Part 1—The Call to “Mark Them”

2024-02-01T13:27:04-06:00Jan 22, 2022|Categories: Christian Living, Discernment, Evangelism, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: CARY GORDON, Pastor and Executive Producer, Enemies Within The Church

As first century churches were established by followers of Christ, it didn’t take long for false teachings to creep in through people with persuasive personalities and ideologies. In response, Paul and others needed to constantly point out to churches what misrepresented God and His Word to keep professing Christians from going astray.

Paul wrote, “…mark them which cause divisions and […]

18 Sep 2021

TOPIC: Is Evangelicalism Reformable to Biblical Fidelity?

2024-02-06T10:27:57-06:00Sep 18, 2021|Categories: Evangelism, Gospel, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: DON GREEN, founding pastor, Truth Community Church (Ohio)

“Evangelical” has become a very broad term with hardly any meaning. It once described a follower of Christ who believed in the complete truthfulness of Scripture, essential doctrines about salvation, sin, God, Christ, the call to tell others about the gospel of Christ, and more.

Today, seemingly every professing Christian who is […]

28 Aug 2021

TOPIC: What’s the Biblical Model for Missions and Church Planting?

2024-02-06T10:34:58-06:00Aug 28, 2021|Categories: Church, Evangelism, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUESTS:  STEPHEN LONETTI, pastor, Beacon of Hope Church, St. Paul, MN and MARTIN MANTEN, pastor, Hope and Light Church, Turbenthal, Switzerland

With all the transformative events taking place—COVID and injection mandates, government and big business authoritarianism, the fall of Afghanistan to radical Islamists, the death of 13 US Marines by suicide bombers, the utter ineptness and godlessness of the Biden Administration—one might consider a topic on missions and church planting to be […]

08 Feb 2020

TOPIC: Is the “American Gospel” the true Gospel?

2024-02-17T12:07:14-06:00Feb 08, 2020|Categories: Discernment, Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , , , |

GUEST: BRANDON KIMBER, film producer, American Gospel: Christ Alone and Christ Crucified

Christians shouldn’t be surprised that professing Christendom in America is full of fakes, frauds, and charlatans huckstering false teaching and non-saving gospels.  In fact, the apostle Peter guaranteed it in his second letter:

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies” (2 […]

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