Guest: Randy Alcorn, author, hand in Hand—The Beauty of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice

hand in handFor from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.  Romans 11:36

The sovereignty of God could be defined as God’s rule or control over everything in the universe.  In other words, God knows all and causes or allows everything that happens.

Wrapping our finite minds around that is hard enough, but now add that God has created us with the ability to make meaningful choices in a world over which He is sovereign.

So how does God’s sovereignty and our decision-making practically play out, especially in terms of salvation, current events, and the myriad of choices we make every day?

Randy Alcorn, the founder and director of Eternal Perspectives Ministries, will join us this weekend to discuss this topic in light of his book, hand in Hand—The Beauty of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice.

Note: A heartfelt thank you to our military veterans and their families for their sacrifices on behalf of our country.  May our peoples and leaders turn to God in repentance and faith.