
Engaging God’s Design
in the Local Church

CURRENT PROGRAM: March 01, 2025


CURRENT PROGRAM: Saturday, March 01, 2025

GUEST: OWEN STRACHAN, author, The War On Men

Maybe you’ve seen the t-shirt that proclaims, “Smash the patriarchy.” Or you’ve heard the gender studies professor say, “Masculinity is toxic” or “the future is female.”

This is the spirit of our age, that manhood as prescribed and exemplified in Scripture is oppressive and the cause of conflict and injustice in the world. We have moved light years beyond portraying men as goofs and buffoons in television programs and commercials; men are now the enemy.

The prevalence of homes without fathers, men who live to consume and amuse rather than provide and protect, or males who look and act in feminine ways, all point to a subversion of God’s design for men. It’s not surprising that the clear Biblical prohibition against female pastors is a domino tottering across Evangelicalism.

Owen Strachan is our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview Radio Program. Owen is provost and research professor of theology, Grace Bible Theological Seminary and the author of the excellent new book, The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them.

We will discuss how we go to the point of scorning Biblical masculinity, and fundamentally, what Biblical masculinity actually looks like.

This is a program for men and boys, of course. But it’s just as much a topic for women and mothers to understand, so they can discern the right men for marriage and raise their boys to be…Biblical men.

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Men—and masculinity in general—are under attack. For society to succeed, we need strong men to lead us in all areas of life.

The war on men is a war on civilization.

Strong men are not “toxic.” If they go away, evil men take their place, and weak men offer no resistance.

The Christian Worldview Journal is a monthly 12-page print publication which features insightful articles on current events and issues of the faith, exhorting readers to think and live in expectation of the return of Jesus Christ. It also contains ministry news and events, resource offers, listener correspondence, and more.
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Bite-sized highlights from the full-length program. Posted weekly.

host, The Christian Worldview

Born and raised in Minnesota as the youngest of four children, David Wheaton came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in his early twenties while he was competing on the professional tennis tour. In 2002, he transitioned into radio, first hosting a program called Beyond Sports. Then two years later, The Christian Worldview began, focusing on current issues in the faith and the world.


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