Past Programs



21: The Christ of Christmas (rebroadcast of 12/24/22)
14: Considering Transitions at the Supreme Court and in Syria with Guests: Alexander Hamilton III and Soeren Kern  transcript
07: Life Is In The Blood..and Explaining the Gospel to Children with Guest: Jason Hammerberg  transcript


30: Thanksgiving Special – The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America [rebroadcast of 11/27/21 program] Guest: Jerry Newcombe. transcript
23: How a Trump Presidency May Affect the World Order – Guest: Soeren Kern  transcript
16:  “How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda” (rebroadcast from 08/03/24) – Guest: Megan Basham  transcript
09: Election Recap: America Chooses Trumpism over Marxism  – Guest: Robert Knight  transcript
02: Election Preview – We Don’t Know the Future, But We Know WHO Holds It  – Guest: Travis Allen  transcript


26: How the Church Needs Reformation Today  – Guest: Joel Beeke  transcript
19: Remembering the Reformation and the War Against It Today  – Guest: Mike Gendron  transcript
12: Understanding God’s Sovereignty in the Storms of Life  Guest: – Grant Castleberry  transcript
05: Considering the Issues—and Israel—When Casting Your Vote  – Guest: Cal Thomas  transcript

28: Watch Over Your Heart With All Diligence  transcript
21: Why Biblical Christians Are the Ultimate Target of the Left, Even More than Trump  – Guest: Steve Deace.  transcript
14: Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 2 of 2 – Guest: James White  transcript
07: Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 1 of 2  – Guest: James White  transcript


31: The Strong Delusion Over Kamala Harris  – Guest: Darrell Harrison  transcript
24: The Primacy of Worship and Who/What the Political Parties Worship  – Guest: Scott Aniol  transcript
17: The Insidious Ideology of Social Justice  – Guest: Jeff Kliewer  transcript
10: Is VP Candidate Tim Walz a “Minnesota Lutheran Dad” or God-Rejecting Socialist?  transcript
03: “How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda”  – Guest: Megan Basham  transcript


27: How The Identity Question “Who am I?” Needs to Be Answered by God, Not Us  – Guest: Martyn Iles  transcript
20: Road Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter – Guest: Ken Ham  transcript
13: Teaching Biblical Doctrines to Children – Guest: Michael Joens  transcript
06: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline?  – Guest: Scott Aniol  transcript


29: Highlights from The Overcomer Course for Young Adults  transcript
22: Empty Deceptions Vying for Post-Christian Minds  – Guest: Darrell Harrison  transcript
15: What Does Husband Have To Do With Father?  – Guest: Bruce Wheaton from 2010 transcript
08: Why Men Need God’s Word More Than Ever  – Guest: Robert Wolgemuth  transcript
01: Will Southern Baptists Set Down the “Law” in 2024?  – Guest: Tom Ascol  transcript


25: How Understanding God Helps You Understand Our Chaotic World [rebroadcast from 09/04/2021]  – Guest: Steven Lawson  transcript
18: Scouts’ Deconstruction Mirroring America’s Devolution  – Guest: Robert Knight  transcript
11: Mother’s Day Special: Standing Firm in a Shifting Culture  – Guest: David’s Mom, Mary Jane Wheaton  transcript
04: The Red-Green Axis Takes Over American Colleges  – Guest: Soeren Kern  transcript


27: How to Biblically View and Care for our Physical Bodies?  – Guest: Haley Erickson  transcript
20: Speakers Series Event Q and A with Alex Newman  transcript
13: Being a Man of the Word (Not the World) – Guest: Brad Klassen  transcript
06: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, and Freedom  – Guest: Alex Newman  transcript


30: Easter Weekend Special: Christ the Redeemer, Christ the Victor  transcript
23: Three Christian Responses to Neo-Pagan Western Civilization  – Guest: Andrew DeBartolo. transcript
16: The Supernatural Power of Biblical Preaching – Shepherds Conference 2024 Recap  transcript
09: Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit [rebroadcast of 10/7/23 program]  – Guest: Costi Hinn transcript
02: Why the Cessationism vs Continuationism Debate is Really About the Authority of Scripture  Guest: Scott Aniol transcript


24: How “He Gets Us” Doesn’t Get Jesus and the Gospel  – Guest: Tom Buck  transcript
17: The Push for Global Governance  – Guest: Alex Newman  transcript
10: Raising Spiritual Champions  – Guest: George Barna  transcript
03: Alistair Begg Responds to Furor Over His Counsel to Attend “Trans Wedding”  – Guest: Justin Peters. transcript


27: Should a Christian Attend a Homosexual or Transgender “Wedding” Ceremony? – Guest: Justin Peters. transcript
20: Discerning Medical Technology and the Sanctity of Life  – Guest: Colleen Tronson  transcript
13: Empty Deceptions Vying for Post-Christian Minds  – Guest: Darrell Harrison transcript
06: Being an Overcomer in a Foreboding New Year  – Guest: Grant Castleberry  transcript


30: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline? (rebroadcast of 07/01/23) Guest: Scott Aniol. transcript
23: The Christ of Christmas (rebroadcast of 12/24/22 program)
16: Disciplining Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness  Guest: Abner Chou  transcript
09: Do You Have A “One Day Nearer” Mindset? – Part 2 Guest: Steve Miller transcript
02: Do You Have A “One Day Nearer” Mindset? – Part 1 Guest: Steve Miller transcript

25: Thanksgiving Special – The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America Guest: Jerry Newcombe rebroadcast of 11/27/21. transcript
18: Winning the Toxic War on Men Guest: Owen Strachan  transcript
11: Some Bless, Most Curse—Why the Widely Divergent Stance toward Israel?  Guest: Chris Katulka  transcript
04: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 2  Guests: Alex Newman and Chris Katulka  transcript


28: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 1 Guest: Alex Newman  transcript
21: The Reformation, Eschatology, and Israel  Guest: Mike Gendron. transcript
14: How the War in Israel Could Reshape the World Order  Guest: Soeren Kern  transcript
07: Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit  Guest: Costi Hinn  transcript


30: The “Theology of Glory” versus the “Theology of the Cross”?  transcript
23: Is “The Chosen” a Good Choice? (rebroadcast of 5/27/2023) transcript
16:  Truth, Justice, and the American Way?  Guest: Alexander Hamilton, III   transcript
09: Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door and See…What Kind of People?  transcript
02: When Government Intrudes Into the Sphere of the Church Guests: Twila Brase and Jesse Johnson  transcript


26: Spiritual Warfare Requires Spiritual Armor – Part 2 Guest: Matt Morrell transcript
19: Spiritual Warfare Requires Spiritual Armor – Part 1 Guest: Matt Morrell transcript
12: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World…and the Church Guest: James Spencer transcript
05: The Essential Church Versus Malevolent Government Guest: Travis Allen transcript


29: How the Empty Deception of Climate Change Entices the Christian Mind Guest: Darrell Harrison transcript
22: Journalist Cal Thomas on 50 Years Reporting on America Guest: Cal Thomas transcript
15: Survey Says: The Church Better Repent and Revive…and Soon Guest: George Barna (rebroadcast of 5/12/22 program) transcript
08: Christian Liberty Upheld by Supreme Court While Islam Rises and Rages in France Guests: Abraham Hamilton III | Soeren Kern transcript
01: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline? Guest: Scott Aniol transcript


24: The Dangerous Affirmation of “Gay Christianity” – Part 2 Guest: M.D. Perkins transcript
17: Father’s Day Special: Remembering Dad Guests: Mom, Sister Marnie, and Brothers Mark and John transcript
10: The Dangerous Affirmation of “Gay Christianity” – Part 1 Guest: M.D. Perkins transcript
03: Rick Warren, Female Pastors, and the Textbook Path to Heresy Guest: Mike Stone transcript


27: Is “The Chosen” a Good Choice? transcript
20: Being Informed and Prepared for the Great Reset transcript
13: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 3 Guest: David du Bruyn transcript
06: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 2 Guest: David du Bruyn transcript


29: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 1 Guest: David du Bruyn transcript
22: The Female Pastor Battering Ram Making a Run at the Church Door…Again Guest: Tom Ascol transcript
15: Improving Your Evangelism Guest: Ray Comfort transcript
08: Easter Special: The Prophesied, Redeeming, Risen Christ transcript
01: How God Uses Man’s Schemes to Accomplish His Plans – Part 2 Guest: Alex Newman transcript


25: How God Uses Man’s Schemes to Accomplish His Plans – Part 1 Guest: Alex Newman transcript
18: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War – Part 2 Guest: Travis Allen. transcript
11: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War transcript
04: REVIVAL: Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 2 Guest: Jeremy Walker transcript


25: REVIVAL:Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 1 Guest: Jeremy Walker transcript
18: How To Be Sure of Eternity in Heaven transcript
11: God’s Call for Men Guest: Travis Allen – rebroadcast from 08/27/22 transcript
04: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again? Guest: Steven Lawson – rebroadcast from 08/20/22 transcript


28: How the Abortion Movement Has Become More Radical Post-Roe v. Wade Guest: Colleen Tronson transcript
21: Is the Covid “Vaccine” Causing Sudden Deaths? Guest: Peter McCullough, MD MPH transcript
14: How Christians Should Respond to the Depravity Revolution – Part 2 Guest: Andrew DeBartolo transcript
07: How Christians Should Respond to the Depravity Revolution – Part 1 Guest: Andrew DeBartolo transcript


31: Read Through the Bible This Year and Properly Interpret It  Guest: Paul Twiss (rebroadcast from 1/8/22)
24: The Christ of Christmas
17: How The Christ Of Christmas Is For Me and For You Guest: Mike Gendron  transcript
10: Principles for Selecting Christian Music – Part 2 Guest: Chris Anderson  transcript
03: Principles for Selecting Christian Music – Part 1  Guest: Chris Anderson  transcript


26: Thanksgiving Special – The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America – rebroadcast of 11/27/22  transcript
19: Are You Ready to be Persecuted for the Sake of Righteousness? Guest: Cal Beisner  transcript
12:  Mid-Term Election Follow Up: How a Red Wave Turned Into a Red Ripple?  Guest: Robert Knight transcript
05: Mid-Term Election Special—Will Americans Vote Against Wickedness?  Guests: Mat Staver and Andrew DeBartolo transcript


29: What Present-Day Christians Need to Learn and Apply from the Puritans, Part 2  Guest: Joel Beeke transcript
22: What Present-Day Christians Need to Learn and Apply from the Puritans, Part 1  Guest: Joel Beeke 
15: What Current Events Are Stepping Stones to the Return of Christ  Guest: Soeren Kern 
08: Evaluating the “He Gets Us” Campaign for “Brand Jesus”  
01: The State of Theology in America  Guest: Stephen Nichols 


24: Billy Graham and Where Evangelicalism is Today  
17: Considering the Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth II  Guest: Paul Twiss
10: Fascist Playbook Rule No. 1 – Accuse the Opposition Of What You’re Doing  Guests: General Michael Flynn and Robert Knight 
03: The Need for Evangelical Repentance and Reformation  Guest: Travis Allen 


27: God’s Call for Men Guest: Travis Allen 
20: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again?  Guest: Steven Lawson 
13: Why Is Inflation So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue  Guest: Cal Beisner 
06: Why Are Gas Prices So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue  Guest: Cal Beisner 


30: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 1  Guest: James Coates (rebroadcast of 3/12/22) 
23: The Predictable Result of Educating Children Without God  Guest: Alex Newman 
16: Transhumanism and the Quest to be Like God  Guest: Alex Newman 
09: Evangelicals and Downgrade Denial  Guests: Josh Buice | Colleen Tronson 
02: The Overturning of Roe v. Wade and Why Christian Leaders are Silent  Guests: Josh Buice | Colleen Tronson  


25: Rick Warren and the Undermining of the Faith  Guest: Tom Buck  
18: Wisdom from the Aged—Annual Interview with David’s Parents  Guests: Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton 
11: How America’s New Woke Religion is Not “Good News” – Part 2  Guest: Owen Strachan 
04: How America’s New Woke Religion is Not “Good News” – Part 1  Guest: Owen Strachan 


28: Biblical Leaders Needed to Reform the Southern Baptist Convention  Guest: Tom Ascol
21: Was the 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?  Guest: Dinesh D’Souza
14: Survey Says: The Church Better Repent and Revive…and Soon  Guest: George Barna
07: 12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 2  Guest: Steve Miller


30: 12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 1  Guest: Steve Miller
23: How the Age-Old Scheme of Lie, Silence, and Control Dominates Our Age 
16: Antidote to Deconstruction—Embracing the Truth of Christ  Guest: Ray Comfort
09: Disney Is Grooming Children  Guest: Robert Knight
02: Pastor in Ukraine War Zone Gives First-Hand Perspective  Guest: Pastor Greg


26: Nation Collapse Warning: Female Supreme Court Nominee Can’t Define “Woman”  Guest: Mat Staver
19: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 2 Guest Nathan Busenitz
12: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 1  Guest: James Coates
05: Understanding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Guest: Soeren Kern 


26: Christian Leaders Complicit in Covid Propaganda Machine – Part 2 Guest: Megan Basham 
19: Should Christians Support the Trucker Protest in Canada?  Guest: Andrew DeBartolo 
12: Christian Leaders Complicit in Covid Propaganda Machine – Part 1  Guests: James Macpherson, Megan Basham
05: Enemies Within the Church Part 3: The Theological Ruse Guest: Jon Harris 


29: Enemies Within the Church Part 2: The Grand Scheme  Guest: Michael O’Fallon 
22: Enemies Within: The Church Part 1—The Call to “Mark Them”  Guest: Cary Gordon 
15: Canada Criminalizes God’s Truth on Sex and Gender  Guest: Andrew DeBartolo
08: Read Through the Bible This Year and Properly Interpret It Guest: Paul Twiss
01: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Part 2 Guest: Ken Ham – rebroadcast of 05/01/2021


25: An Aged Perspective on the Country and the Church – rebroadcast of 06/19/2021
18: The B-I-B-L-E. Is It Really the Book for Ye and Me? Part 2
11: The B-I-B-L-E. Is It Really the Book for Ye and Me? Part 1  Guests: Jameson Taylor & Rob Chambers 
04: How Unbiblical Morality Results in Unbiblical Economics – Part 2 Guest: Cal Beisner


27: Thanksgiving Special: The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America  Guest: Dr. Jerry Newcombe 
20: What You Need to Know About the Coming Metaverse  Guest: Patrick Miller 
13: How Unbiblical Morality Results in Unbiblical Economics  Guest: Cal Beisner
06: Why the Reformation Must Be Remembered Guest: Mike Gendron 


30: How to Write Your COVID Vaccine Exemption Letter (Part 2) Guest: Mat Staver 
23: How to Write Your COVID Vaccine Exemption Letter (Part 1)  
16: Has the (Intentional) Economic Meltdown Begun?  Guest: Dan Celia
09: Undiscerning Things Christians Believe and Repeat Guest: Robert Knight
02: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Guest: Ken Ham (rebroadcast of 05/01/2021 program)


25: When Sickness Comes—How to Pray, What to Expect  Guest: Costi Hinn
18: Is Evangelicalism Reformable to Biblical Fidelity? Guest: Pastor Don Green
11: The Delusion Deepens over COVID Guest: Dr. Peter McCullough
04: How Understanding God Helps You Understand Our Chaotic World Guest: Dr. Steven Lawson


28: What’s the Biblical Model for Missions and Church Planting? Guests: Stephen Lonetti and Martin Manten
21: How the US Failure in Afghanistan Affects the World Order Guest: Soeren Kern
14: Peace and Discernment in an Age of Delusion  Guest: Greg Hauser
07: The Mark of the Vaccine Has Arrived  


31: What to Discern from the Church Fracture Where David Platt Pastors, Part 2 
24: What to Discern from the Church Fracture Where David Platt Pastors – Part 1  
17: How Your Church Can Avoid Mission Drift  Guest: Matt Fletcher
10: Pastors and Plagiarism—Sermon Prep or Sermon Theft?  Guest: Justin Peters
03: The Psychological Manipulation of Critical Race Theory  Guest: Katherine Kersten


26: Confession Without Conviction—Southern Baptist Annual Meeting Recap  Guest: Tom Ascol
19: An Aged Perspective on the Country and the Church.  
12: The Cause and Effect of Critical Race Theory – Part 2 of 2
05: The Cause and Effect of Critical Race Theory – Part 1 of 2


29: How to Think and Live in an Anti-Truth Culture  Guest: Robert Knight
22: Why Do Christian Leaders Compromise?  Guest: Travis Allen
15: Why Rick Warren Ordaining Three Female Pastors Assures Evangelicalism’s Doom
08: What If You Refuse the COVID-19 “Vaccine”?  Guests: Twila Brase / Mike Gendron  
01: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Part 2  Guest: Ken Ham


24: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? – Part 1  Guest: Ken Ham
17: How to Know the Truth when the Truth is Hard to Know?
10:  A COVID Treatment to Save Your Life and the Gospel to Save Your Soul Guest: Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
03: Easter Special—Why Is the Resurrection of Christ Unique and Important? Guest: Greg Gilbert


27: Transgenderism: The Need for Grace and Truth – Part 2 Guest: Michael Perkins
20: Transgenderism: The Need for Grace and Truth- Part 1 Guest: Michael Perkins
13: Canadian Pastor Jailed for “Crime” of Holding In-Person Church  Guest: Eric Davis
06: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation


27: Ravi Zacharias: The Man Who Answered Life’s Deepest Questions Leaves Us Wondering About the Biggest One – Part 2
20: Ravi Zacharias: The Man Who Answered Life’s Deepest Questions Leaves Us Wondering About the Biggest One – Part 1
13: Christian Nationalism: Examining the Demonization  Guest: Gregg Frazer
06: How Loss of Liberties Leads to Rise of Anti-Christ  Guest: Twila Brase


30: Overcoming A-B-C-D with R-S-T-U-V
23: Implications of Truth Deniers Taking Power
15: Incitement, Impeachment and the Wickedness of Slander
09: A New Year—Prepare to Stand Firm
02: Who is Bill Gates and Why Does He Want to Vaccinate Every Person in the World?(rebroadcast of 05/02/2020 program)


26: Christmas Special—How to Not Miss the Reason for the Season – (rebroadcast of 12/22/18 program)
19: How One Story Is Far Bigger Than Three That Dominated 2020
12: Big Tech Internet—The Dystopian “Ministry of Information”. Part 2 of 2
05: Big Tech Internet—The Dystopian “Ministry of Information”


28: Do You Have a Pilgrim’s Mindset?
21: Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Guest: Robert Knight
14: What is the Basis for Unity in the Nation and the Church? Guest: Travis Allen
07: Election Postlude: Transition from Constitutional Republic to Banana Republic?


31: Election Preview: Will It Be Respect God or Reject God?
24: “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden”—Neither Pro-Life Nor Evangelical Guest: Cal Beisner
17: George Soros Part 2: What Drives Soros and the Left?
10: Who Is America’s Top (Human) Destroyer? Hint: George Soros Guest: Frank Wright
03: What’s at Stake with the Supreme Court Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett?  Guest: Mat Staver


26: Three Fundamentals Driving the Division
19: What’s the Good in the Midst of the Bad?
12: How Social Justice Is Corrupting the Faith and Moving Christians Left  Guest: Ben Hall
05: Understanding What Is Happening in America Guest: Larry Taunton


29: Republican National Convention: The Party Restraining Romans 1 (at least mostly)
22: Democrat National Convention—The Party of Romans 1
15: When to Obey God over Government Guest: Phil Johnson
08: Dennis Prager and Alistair Begg Clarifying the Only Two Religious Options, Part 2 of 2 (rebroadcast of 05/04/2019 program)
01: What’s Behind the Denigration of “Whiteness”? Part 2 of 2 Guest: Katherine Kersten


25: What’s Behind the Denigration of “Whiteness”? Part 1 of 2
17: Is the Blessed Life of the Beatitudes What You Really Want? Part 2 of 2 Guest: Troy Dobbs
10: Is the Blessed Life of the Beatitudes What You Really Want? Part 1 of 2 Guest: Troy Dobbs
04: Tearing Down Statues to Make Totalitarian America Guest: Curtis Bowers


27:  What Impact Will the Supreme Court’s Unrighteous Judgment Have? Guest: John Bursch
20: Why God-Defined Family and Morality are the Targets of the Revolution Guests: Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton
13: “Systemic Racism” and the Christian Response (Part 2 of 2) Guests: Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker
06: “Systemic Racism” and the Christian Response (Part 1 of 2) Guests: Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker


30: Twin Cities Burning from the Fires of the Flesh
23: Howard Zinn Lied, American History (and Future) Died  Guest: Mary Grabar
16: Why Your Church Should Safely Reopen Now Guest: Mat Staver
09: A Brief Tour of 2000 Years of Church History Guest: Stephen Nichols
02: Who is Bill Gates and Why Does He Want to Vaccinate Every Person in the World?


25: In Other News Beyond the Pandemic Guest: Victor Davis Hanson
18: Is the Coronavirus Setting the Stage for End Times Events? Guest: Mike Gendron
11: Easter Special – Why Did Jesus Have to Die to “Take Away the Sins of the World”? Guest: Greg Gilbert
04: What is the Cure for a Pandemic Greater than the Coronavirus? Guest: Ray Comfort


28: Will the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Rescue Package Be a Cure or a Killer? Guest: Dan Celia
20: What the Coronavirus Has Exposed about Our Worldview Guest: Soeren Kern
14: Coronavirus: 5 Things a Christian Should Know and Do
07: Dennis Prager and Alistair Begg Clarifying the Only Two Religious Options (rebroadcast of 04/27/20)


29: How the Tactics that Sank the Boy Scouts Are Now Aimed at the Church Guest: Robert Knight
22: American Gospel—“Progressive” Christianity (Part 3 of 3) Guest: Brandon Kimber
15: American Gospel—“Progressive” Christianity (Part 2 of 3)  Guest: Brandon Kimber
08: Is the “American Gospel” the true Gospel? (Part 1 of 3) Guest: Brandon Kimber
01: Super Bowl, Sports, and the Worldview that Drives It


25: Resurgence Turned Divergence in the Southern Baptist Convention, Part 3 Guest: Tom Ascol
18: Resurgence Turned Divergence in the Southern Baptist Convention, Part 2 Guest: Tom Ascol
11: Resurgence Turned Divergence in the Southern Baptist Convention, Part 1  Guest: Tom Ascol
04: Truths without the Truth—How Christians Should View Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Et Al? Part 2 of 2  Guest: Travis Allen – rebroadcast from Dec 08, 2018



28: Truths without the Truth—How Christians Should View Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Et Al?  Guest: Travis Allen – rebroadcast from Dec 08, 2018
21: How the War on Christmas is the War for America’s Future – rebroadcast from Dec 2013
14: Clarifying the Impeachment of President Trump Guest: Robert Knight
07: Christmas Special—How to Not Miss the Reason for the Season – rebroadcast of Dec 22, 2018


30: How Thanklessness is a Mark of a Society in Decline
23: Chick-fil-A Board Bows the Knee to LGBT – Guest: Tim Wildmon
16: How Your Theology Determines Your Morality
09: Kanye West and the Parable of the Soils
02: Should Female Preachers “Go Home”?


26: “Tactics” for Conversations with Non-Believers. Guest: Greg Koukl
19: Christian — Practice What You Preach
12: Pray Like Daniel for a Society in Rebellion
05: How Woodstock 50 Years Ago Explains Where We Are Today


28: The Battle for Your Child’s Mind
21: Worldview in the News
14: Understanding the Term “Privilege” Guest: Cal Beisner
07: Guiding the Younger Generation to Go God’s Way


31: Understanding Financial Signs of the Times Guest: Dan Celia
24: Top Issues (So Far) for Christians in 2019 Guest: Todd Friel
17: Lessons for America from the Protests in Hong Kong Guest: David Aikman
10:  Josh Harris Departure Part 2: Can a Christian Kiss Jesus Good-Bye?  Guest: Travis Allen
03: Processing Why Josh Harris Kissed Dating, His Wife, and Jesus Good-Bye


27: What the Bible Means to You vs. What God Means in the Bible Guest: Abner Chou
20: Setting the Groundwork for Speaker Series Event on Social Justice  Guest: Darrell Harrison
13: God, Greed, and The Prosperity Gospel (Part 2 of 2) Guest: Costi Hinn
06: How Woke Cultural Marxism Progresses to the Goal of Overthrowing Christian America – rebroadcast from 07/21/18


29: God, Greed, and The Prosperity Gospel (Part 1 of 2)  Guest: Costi Hinn
22: What Triggers God’s Judgment?
15: Father’s Day Special: Gleaning from the Aged Wisdom for All Ages  Guests: Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton
09: Why Christians Should Not Drink Alcohol  Guest: Lisa Anderson
01: Doing Sports God’s Way, Not the Idol-Worshipping Way. Guest: Ron Brown


25: How the “Equality Act” is the Christian Persecution Act Guest: Robert Knight
18: What Has Most Changed the Country and the Church? Hint: Higher Education
11: How Socialism Is Impacting the Country and the Church Guest: Curtis Bowers
04: Dennis Prager and Alistair Begg Clarifying the Only Two Religious Options, Part 2


27: Dennis Prager and Alistair Begg Clarifying the Only Two Religious Options
20: Easter Special: What It Means to Identify with Christ in His Death and Resurrection?  Guest: Greg Gilbert
13: How the Popularity of Pete Buttigieg Reflects the Worldview Transformation of America Guest: Greg Gilbert
06: How to Be Faithful in Persecution


30: Mueller Report: No Trump Collusion with Russia. What This Says About 2019 America?  Guest: Curtis Bowers
23: Religious Rights vs. LGBT Demands—Who Will Win?  Guest: Mat Staver
16: Three Decisions of a God-Glorifying Marriage
09: How to Communicate the Gospel to Modern Ears. Guest Ken Ham – rebroadcast from 06/02/18
02: Is Jesus Really the Only Way?  Guest: Tim Barnett


23: God and Christianity—Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt  Guest: J. Warner Wallace
16: Why the Ungodly Attain Positions of Power
09: Creation Stewardship vs. Environmental Idolatry Guest: Cal Beisner
02: Why “Life Is Best” and Abortion Is the Most Revered Sacrament of the Left?


26: Are Reparations for Slavery Consistent with Repentance and Restitution? Part 2 Guest: Darrell Harrison
19: Are Reparations for Slavery Consistent with Repentance and Restitution? Part 1  Guest: Darrell Harrison
12: 5 Things to Maintain Stability and Peace in a Tumultuous 2019 Guest: Eric Davis
05: Biblical Call and Plan for Productivity – rebroadcast from 01/23/2016


29: Making and Keeping Resolutions – rebroadcast from 01/07/2017
22: Christmas Special—How to Not Miss the Reason for the Season
15: Truths without the Truth—How Christians Should View Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Et Al? Part 2  Guest: Travis Allen
08: Truths without the Truth—How Christians Should View Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Et Al? Part 1  Guest: Travis Allen
01: What Is the Worldview of Americans, of Evangelicals?  Guest: Dr. Stephen Nichols


24: Thanksgiving Special: What to Apply from the Pilgrims and Puritans  Guest: Dr. Stephen Nichols
17: Lessons for Today from the Revelation Churches
12: “You Foolish [Evangelical Church], Who Has Bewitched You?”  Guest: John MacArthur
03: Worldview Divide in the Mid-Term Elections  Guest: Robert Knight


27: Will You Be a Fool for Christ’s Sake?  Guest: Ray Comfort
20: How Can the Divided States of America Become United?
13: Tim Keller and Speech Act Theory  Guest: Cameron Buettel
06: Seven Lessons from the Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh


29: Your Feedback: Is President Trump Making America Great?
22: Is Trump Making America Great?
15: Why The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel?  Guest: Cal Beisner
08: Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved? Guest: Todd Friel
01: What Are The Four Steps Into Apostasy? Case Studies of Evangelicalism and Roman Catholicism Guest: Mike Gendron


25: Are You Practicing Discernment?  Guest: Mike Gendron
18: Make America Great Again … Or Was It Never Great?
11: Three Lessons from the Implosion of Bill Hybels and Willow Creek Church
04: The Only King To Trust and The Only Kingdom That Lasts Forever Guest: Greg Gilbert – originally aired 03/19/16


28: The Importance of Keeping a Good Conscience Guest: Mike Riccardi
21: How Woke Cultural Marxism Progresses to the Goal of Overthrowing Christian America
14: Are You Awake to the Woke Movement?  Guest: Phil Johnson
07: What the Worldview of Millennials Means for the Future  Guest: Heath Lambert – originally aired 11/19/16


30: The Growing Socialist Demand in America
23: Will Cracks Crater The Evangelical Church?  Guest: Janet Mefferd
16: The Hands That Raise the Children Influence the World
09: What to Make of the “Gay Christian” Movement in the Evangelical Church? Guest: Justin Peters
02: How to Communicate the Gospel to Modern Ears Guest: Ken Ham


26: What Happened to the Boy Scouts and Why It Matters? Guest: Mark Hancock
19: What the US Embassy Moving to Jerusalem Means and Other World Events. Guest: Soeren Kern
12: Insights from the Aged  Guests: Bruce & Mary Jane Wheaton (David’s parents)
05: How a Wrong View of the Body is Driving the Moral Revolution, Part 2  Guest: Nancy Pearcey


27: How a Wrong View of the Body is Driving the Moral Revolution, Part 1  Guest: Nancy Pearcey
21: Beware the Healing/Miracle Financial Complex – Part 2 Guest: Costi Hinn
14: Beware the Healing/Miracle Financial Complex – Part 1 Guest: Costi Hinn
07: Is the Bible Really the Word of God?  Part 2 of 2  Guest: Michael Perkins


31: Why the Blood of Christ Cleanses Sin?  Guest: Greg Gilbert
24: Why Has America Changed So Much?  Guest: Don Bierle
17: Are You “Meaningfully Worldly”?
10: Freedom from Islam Guest: Mark Durie


24: Is Your Faith Ready For Unjust Imprisonment? Guests: Kevin and Julia Garratt
17: Is the Bible Really the Word of God? Part 1 of 2 Guest: Michael Perkins – originally aired 02/03/2018
10: The Biggest Challenge: Raising a Child Who Loves God as an Adult  Guests: Matt Morell and Alan Hodak
03: Is the Bible Really the Word of God? Part 1 of 2 Guest: Michael Perkins


27: Your Questions on the How and When of Origins – Part 3 of 3 Guest: Tommie Mitchell
20: How a Young Earth Answers Man’s Oldest Problem – Part 2 of 3 Guest: Bodie Hodge
13: How a Young Earth Answers Man’s Oldest Problem – Part 1 of 3  Guest: Ken Ham
06: What Should We Learn and Apply from the Life of Dr. RC Sproul?


30: Christ’s Birth—How the Cradle Points to the Cross  Guest: Stu Epperson, Jr. – originally aired 12/17/16
23: Christ’s Birth—How the Cradle Points to the Cross  Guest: Stu Epperson, Jr. – originally aired 12/17/16
16: Women Teaching Men in Church—What’s the Big Deal?  Guest: Pastor Travis Allen
09: #MeToo Part 2: Overcoming the Collision of Perversion and Feminism
02: #MeToo Culture: Where Feminism and Perversion Collide


24: Discipling Your Children and Grandchildren  Guest: Glen Keane
18: Sanctification and How To Pursue It  Guest: Michael Riccardi – originally aired 12/10/16
11: What Is Cultural Marxism?  Guest: Robert Knight
04: Race-Ism Part 2 — Of Statues and Slavery  Guest: Gregg Frazer


28: Martin Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer  Guest: Barry Cooper
21: What Does Race-Ism in Public Schools Look Like?  Guest: Katherine Kersten
14: Overcoming Substances of Mass Destruction
07: Four Burning Questions on the Las Vegas Massacre


30: Overcoming Depression and Suicide  Guest: Ray Comfort
23: Highlights from The Christian Worldview Conference 2017  Guests: Troy Dobbs & Soeren Kern
16: LIVE from The Christian Worldview Conference 2017  Guests: Troy Dobbs & Soeren Kern
09: What the Growth of the Non-Religious Means
02: Understanding God and America in Hurricane Harvey  Guests: Cal Beisner & Terry Mortenson

26: What Is The Protesters’ Ultimate Goal?  Guest: Soeren Kern
19: Why The Conflict in Charlottesville Should Have Christians Concerned
12: The Importance of Child Evangelism  Guest: Reese Kauffman
05: How The Reformation Changed Western Civilization  Guest: Dr. Stephen Nichols

29: Foolish Sentiments Sink Presidents
22: Overcoming Depression and Suicide  Guest: Ray Comfort
15: The Parachurch in a Brave New America  Guest: Travis Allen – rebroadcast from 08/20/16
08: Why Are Evangelicals Reversing the Reformation Divide with Roman Catholics?  Guest: Mike Gendron
01: Counseling—The Good, The Not-So-Good, and the Downright Dangerous  Guest: Dr. Heath Lambert

24: The Totalitarian Tide … That’s Likely Not Going Out
17: Father’s Role Reviewal, Not Role Reversal
10: Why the “Bible Answer Man” Converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church … But You Shouldn’t  Guest: Mike Gendron
03: “But God”—How a Lesbian Activist Becomes a Christ-Follower  Guest: Rosaria Butterfield – originally aired 09/10/16

27: President Trump’s Travels Abroad and Troubles Back Home  Guest: Soeren Kern
20: Reformation Revisited: Why Die Over the Doctrine of Justification? Guest: Troy Dobbs
13: Mother’s Day Special Interview Guests: Bruce & Mary Jane Wheaton
06: Skeptical About Faith? Then Consider the Evidence.  Guest: Don Bierle

29: What Is Your Tough Question?
22: How To Respond When You Are Hated For Your Faith  Guest: Ken Ham
15: What Does It Mean That Christ Is The Believer’s High Priest?  Guest: Greg Gilbert
08: The Four Propositions of Easter
01: Is There a Biblical Case for Zionism?  Guest: Dr. Thomas Ice

25: We Preach Christ — Highlights of Shepherds’ Conference 2017
18: Why You Should Not Visit The Shack  Guest: Tim Challies
11: Convictions and the Legacy of Influence  Guests: Harry Walls, Ron Brown, Graham Nabity
04: Identifying and Overcoming Our Spiritual Blind Spots Guest: Tom Pennington – originally aired 04/09/16

25: How to Have Abiding Hope in Our Most Difficult Trials Guest: T. Windahl
18: What Biblical Christians Must Know About the New Apostolic Reformation and the Jesus Culture Music Band  Guest: Todd Friel
11: What Is The Story of Reality? Part 2 of 2 Guest: Greg Koukl
04: What Is The Story of Reality? Part 1 of 2  Guest: Greg Koukl

28: What’s More Important—The Right to Health Care or The Right to Life?  Guest: Twila Brase
20: Trump In, Obama Out — Looking Ahead, Looking Back
14: The Dubious UN Resolution Against Israel Guest: Chris Katulka
07: Making and Keeping Resolutions

31: Man’s Problem: Sin. God’s Solution: One Perfect Life  Guest: John MacArthur — originally aired 09/20/13
24: How God Has Already Won the War on Christmas  Guest: Bodie Hodge — originally aired 12/13
17: Christ’s Birth—How the Cradle Points to the Cross Guest: Stu Epperson, Jr.
10: Sanctification and How To Pursue It Guest: Michael Riccardi
03: What Should We Learn from the Election? Guest: David Aikman


26: Teaching Biblical Doctrines to Children  Guest: Michael Joens
19: What the Worldview of Millennials Means for the Future Guest: Dr Heath Lambert
12: God Moves, America Votes: What President Trump Means for America, for Christians Guest: Travis Allen
05: Perspective and Prayer Before the Election Guest: Franklin Graham


29: “Be Anxious For Nothing” … Okay, How?  Guest: Todd Friel
22: Humanism’s Bloodless Coup in America Guest: Ed Vitagliano
15:  How a Constitutional Republic Becomes a Banana Republic
08: H.O.P.E. — Help Overcoming Pornography Effectively Guests: Pastors Matt Morell and Jeremy Stephens
01: “Why Are The Peoples Devising a Vain Thing” and What Is God Doing About It? Guest: Dr. Steven Lawson – originally aired 04/23/16


24: Bridging the Great Divides in America
17: Reviving the Forgotten Practice of Christian Hospitality Guest: Pastor Ken Smith
10: “But God”—How a Lesbian Activist Becomes a Christ-Follower Guest: Rosaria Butterfield
03: The Hebrew Roots Movement—Burden or Biblical? Guest: Steve Kreloff


27: Church Leadership Training … According to Whom? Guest: Travis Allen
20: The Parachurch in a Brave New America Guest: Travis Allen
13: How To Change an Atheist’s Mind with One Question Guest: Ray Comfort
06: Is There Really a Communist Influence in America? Guest: Curtis Bowers


30: Who is Hillary Clinton?
23: Who is Donald Trump?
16: Why More People Need to Enter Through the Door of the Ark Guests: Ken Ham & Jim Warner Wallace
09: Can Unity Come From Diversity?
02: Two Revolutions with One Guaranteed Outcome


25: Teaching Biblical Doctrines to Children Guest: Michael Joens
18: Fatherhood in a Post-Christian Culture Guests: Fathers of The Christian Worldview Board
11: Doing Sports God’s Way Guest: Wes Neal
04: Music and the Christian Guest: Philip Web


28: How To Reconcile God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Ability to Choose Guest: Randy Alcorn
21: Hell Is Real … But So Is The Cross Guest: Pastor Troy Dobbs
14: Original Sin: Its Reality and Ramifications Guest: Abner Chou
07: Discipling Your Grandchildren Guests: Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton (David’s parents)


30: Standing on the Promises of God or the Trends of Man? Guest: Phil Johnson
23: “Why Are The Peoples Devising a Vain Thing” and What Is God Doing About It? Guest: Dr. Steven Lawson
16: Is There Really a Communist Influence in America? Guest: Curtis Bowers
09: Identifying and Overcoming Our Spiritual Blind Spots Guest: Pastor Tom Pennington
02: The Humanistic vs. Christian Worldview in Response to Islamic Barbarism Guest: Soeren Kern


26: What the Last Words of Christ on the Cross Mean for Us Today Guest: Stu Epperson, Jr.
19: The Only King To Trust and The Only Kingdom That Lasts Forever Guest: Greg Gilbert
12: Who Am I? Why Your Answer to that Question Really Matters Guest: Jerry Bridges — rebroadcast from April 2013
05: Debunking Seven Myths of the Humanistic Environmental Movement Guest: Megan Toombs


27: Answers to Fundamental Apologetic Questions Guest: Jason Carlson
20: Churched Millennials: Helping The Departed To Return Guest: Ken Ham
13: Gender Identity: America’s Latest Challenge to God’s Authority Guest: Dr. John Street
06: Why Jesus Taught in Parables Guest: Dr. John MacArthur


30: Keeping a Biblical Perspective in the Presidential Race
23: The Biblical Call and Plan for Productivity Guest: Tim Challies
16: What Is The Masculine Mandate for Men? Guest: Dr Richard Phillips
09: Is It Wrong for a Christian to Use Lethal Force to Stop a Criminal Threat to His/Her Life?
02:Understanding and Responding to the Moral Revolution Guest: Dr. Albert Mohler — rebroadcast from 12/12/15