16 Dec 2023

TOPIC: Disciplining Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness

2023-12-22T22:10:44-06:00Dec 16, 2023|Categories: Church, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: ABNER CHOU, head translator, Legacy Standard Bible

Christmas is a season when Christians remember, rejoice, and praise God for sending His Son Jesus Christ into our world to offer Himself as the atonement for sin. The details of Christ’s birth and life were prophesied in the Old Testament and then fulfilled hundreds of years later in the New Testament.

Christmas is also the end […]

28 Sep 2023

Topic: The “Theology of Glory” versus the “Theology of the Cross”?

2023-10-06T11:07:38-05:00Sep 28, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, Gospel, Jesus Christ, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , |

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If millions of people are reading a Christian book or watching a Christian television series, God must be at work, right?

If tens of thousands of people are attending a mega-church with 15 multisite locations, God must be being honored, correct?

If bigger is evidence of God’s favor, Jesus must not have been very favored by God. By the end of His ministry, He had few followers, was falsely convicted, and died a […]

07 Sep 2023

Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door and See…What Kind of People?

2023-09-14T21:28:44-05:00Sep 07, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , |

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Jesus declared to Peter: “I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18).

That’s a guarantee from the Son of God. In fact, the church is the only institution that Christ promises to build. Not nation-states, not political parties, not para-church Christian ministries—just the church.

The word “church” can be defined a few ways:

  • The building you drive by down the street where people gather to worship
  • […]

02 Sep 2023

TOPIC: When Government Intrudes Into the Sphere of the Church

2023-09-07T22:43:06-05:00Sep 02, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, COVID 19, Government, Religious Liberty, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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TWILA BRASE, president, Citizens Council for Health Freedom
JESSE JOHNSON, pastor and author, City of Man, Kingdom of God

Government mandates during the Covid pandemic—“wear a mask, get vaccinated, shut down your church or be fined and arrested”—caused Christians to consider the Biblical line between submission to governing authorities and resisting when the commands go beyond the sphere of their authority.

Over the last several months, we have heard from guests such as […]

05 Aug 2023

TOPIC: The Essential Church Versus Malevolent Government

2023-08-10T22:16:39-05:00Aug 05, 2023|Categories: Church, Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)

The church is the body of true believers across the world that Christ redeemed for eternity through the shedding of His own blood in order to represent and proclaim the excellencies of Christ to a rebellious world.

The church and its message of salvation through faith in Christ is the only hope for sinners. This is […]

03 Jun 2023

TOPIC: Rick Warren, Female Pastors, and the Textbook Path to Heresy

2023-06-08T23:29:29-05:00Jun 03, 2023|Categories: Christian History, Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: MIKE STONE, candidate for president, Southern Baptist Convention

Heresy is defined as “belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine.”

For two millennia of church history, it has been the orthodox belief of Christians and churches who esteem Scripture as the highest authority that men—not women—with character “above reproach” are qualified to serve as pastors or overseers in the church.

Scripture and church history are […]

13 May 2023

The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 3: Answers to Listener Feedback

2023-05-16T22:45:38-05:00May 13, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, Discernment, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , |

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GUEST: DAVID De BRUYN, pastor, New Covenant Baptist Church (Johannesburg, South Africa)

Bible-preaching churches are always under relentless attack by Satan and heretical teachers, who strive to destroy, or at least compromise, the accurate proclamation of Scripture and the saving gospel to a lost world.

Many of the epistles (i.e. letters) of the New Testament are filled with exhortations and reproofs for churches and […]

06 May 2023

The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship Part 2

2023-05-08T22:10:24-05:00May 06, 2023|Categories: Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: DAVID de BRUYN, pastor, New Covenant Baptist Church (Johannesburg, South Africa)

Think back 50 years or more to how a Bible-preaching church service was depicted. There would be a father and mother standing with children at their side in a well-lit sanctuary, wearing their “Sunday best”, holding hymnbooks and singing hymns of the faith.

Now think about how professing Bible-preaching Evangelical churches depict […]

29 Apr 2023

TOPIC: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 1

2023-05-04T22:42:07-05:00Apr 29, 2023|Categories: Church, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: DAVID de BRUYN, pastor, New Covenant Baptist Church (Johannesburg, South Africa)

There are many paradigm-changing issues and events taking place nationally and internationally right now. The move to a cashless society with digital currency. The insertion of computing technology into the human body. The rapid expansion of the Marxist-based woke religion, promoted by all institutions. War in Europe, Africa, and potentially […]

22 Apr 2023

TOPIC: The Female Pastor Battering Ram Making a Run at the Church Door…Again

2023-04-24T18:20:26-05:00Apr 22, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Uncategorized, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: TOM ASCOL, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church (Cape Coral, FL)

In 1 Timothy 2, the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to the younger pastor Timothy regarding the authority structure God established for the church:

A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, […]

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