01 Jun 2024

Topic: Will Southern Baptists Set Down the “Law” in 2024?

2024-06-07T18:48:00-05:00Jun 01, 2024|Categories: Church, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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Guest: Tom Ascol, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church (Cape Coral, FL)

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is the largest Protestant church denomination in North America, with six seminaries, 47,000 churches, 13 million church members, and entities like the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Lifeway Christian Resources, the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and more.

Some of the most influential churches and pastors in America are […]

25 May 2024

TOPIC: How Understanding God Helps You Understand Our Chaotic World [rebroadcast from 09/04/2021]

2024-05-30T22:06:43-05:00May 25, 2024|Categories: Church, Gospel, Heaven, Jesus Christ, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|

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This program is a rebroadcast from 09/04/2021.

GUEST: STEVEN LAWSON, author, Show Me Your Glory

Psalm 46 starts out this way: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change…

The earth is changing. A strong delusion has bewitched the leaders and peoples of this world. There are authoritarian, […]

16 Mar 2024

TOPIC: The Supernatural Power of Biblical Preaching

2024-03-21T15:09:43-05:00Mar 16, 2024|Categories: Church, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , , |

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Shepherds’ Conference is a three-day pastors conference held in early March at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles (this is the church that John MacArthur has pastored for 55 years). What started 40 years or so ago with about 100 pastors has grown into 5000 church leaders and laymen gathering from all corners of the world.

The mission of Shepherds Conference is to provide […]

10 Feb 2024

TOPIC: Raising Spiritual Champions

2024-02-15T22:19:02-06:00Feb 10, 2024|Categories: Children, Church, Marriage and Family, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: DR. GEORGE BARNA, Director, Cultural Research Center, Arizona Christian University

Christian parents have their greatest call to discipleship right in their own homes. And it seems pretty straightforward. Scripture says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4).

In other words, don’t be overbearing with your kids, but bring […]

20 Jan 2024

TOPIC: Discerning Medical Technology and the Sanctity of Life

2024-01-22T16:17:37-06:00Jan 20, 2024|Categories: Abortion, Church, Gospel, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: COLLEEN TRONSON, Executive Director, Metro Women’s Center

Advances in medical technology over the decades have saved countless lives whether through new types of surgeries, imaging, therapies, medications, etc. Of course it hasn’t all been positive—consider the harm caused by certain medications, including the Covid so-called “vaccine”.

The advances in fertility and pre-natal technologies has been no less astounding. Procedures like artificial insemination and […]

30 Dec 2023

TOPIC: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline? – rebroadcast of 07/01/23

2024-01-05T10:52:11-06:00Dec 30, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

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GUEST: SCOTT ANIOL, Professor of Pastoral Theology, Grace Bible Theological Seminary

As we celebrate Independence Day, which commemorates the signing in 1776 of the Declaration of Independence, the founding document of our nation, when the original 13 colonies declared their autonomy from British colonial rule.

John Adams was a signer of the Declaration, one of the framers of the U.S. Constitution (1789), and the second […]

16 Dec 2023

TOPIC: Disciplining Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness

2023-12-22T22:10:44-06:00Dec 16, 2023|Categories: Church, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: ABNER CHOU, head translator, Legacy Standard Bible

Christmas is a season when Christians remember, rejoice, and praise God for sending His Son Jesus Christ into our world to offer Himself as the atonement for sin. The details of Christ’s birth and life were prophesied in the Old Testament and then fulfilled hundreds of years later in the New Testament.

Christmas is also the end […]

28 Sep 2023

Topic: The “Theology of Glory” versus the “Theology of the Cross”?

2023-10-06T11:07:38-05:00Sep 28, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, Gospel, Jesus Christ, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , |

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If millions of people are reading a Christian book or watching a Christian television series, God must be at work, right?

If tens of thousands of people are attending a mega-church with 15 multisite locations, God must be being honored, correct?

If bigger is evidence of God’s favor, Jesus must not have been very favored by God. By the end of His ministry, He had few followers, was falsely convicted, and died a […]

07 Sep 2023

Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door and See…What Kind of People?

2023-09-14T21:28:44-05:00Sep 07, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , |

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Jesus declared to Peter: “I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18).

That’s a guarantee from the Son of God. In fact, the church is the only institution that Christ promises to build. Not nation-states, not political parties, not para-church Christian ministries—just the church.

The word “church” can be defined a few ways:

  • The building you drive by down the street where people gather to worship
  • […]

02 Sep 2023

TOPIC: When Government Intrudes Into the Sphere of the Church

2023-09-07T22:43:06-05:00Sep 02, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Church, COVID 19, Government, Religious Liberty, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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TWILA BRASE, president, Citizens Council for Health Freedom
JESSE JOHNSON, pastor and author, City of Man, Kingdom of God

Government mandates during the Covid pandemic—“wear a mask, get vaccinated, shut down your church or be fined and arrested”—caused Christians to consider the Biblical line between submission to governing authorities and resisting when the commands go beyond the sphere of their authority.

Over the last several months, we have heard from guests such as […]

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