Topic: Counseling—The Good, The Not-So-Good, and the Downright Dangerous
GUEST: Dr. Heath Lambert, executive director, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4
We may live in a (relatively) well-educated, peaceful, affluent, civilized, first-world nation, but despite these blessings, people still have problems, major problems, and they want […]
Why the “Bible Answer Man” Converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church … But You Shouldn’t
Guest: Mike Gendron, Founder, Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry
Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
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The reason we should never put undue trust in any professing Christian, whether pastor, parent, teacher, leader, mentor, or radio host, is that people are fallible and God’s Word is not.
Take Hank Hannegraaf, the well-known […]
Convictions and the Legacy of Influence
– Harry Walls, campus pastor, The Master’s University
– Ron Brown, football coach, Liberty University
– Graham Nabity, student-athlete, University of Nebraska
Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve … as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Joshua was a revered leader of the Jewish people during their conquest of the Promised Land. In his final message to the people before his death, Joshua summarized Israel’s […]
TCW Minute: Spiritual Blind Spots (Week of March 6, 2016)
What is something that everyone has, that we are able to clearly see in others yet rarely in ourselves? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview.
If you answered “blind spots”, you are correct! No one in Scripture received more strong criticism from Jesus than the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders of His day, who were known for their external displays of religiosity rather than an authentic, inner devotion.
Jesus said about them, […]
Identifying and Overcoming Our Spiritual Blind Spots
GUEST: Tom Pennington, Pastor/Teacher, Countryside Bible Church
All that they [scribes and Pharisees] tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. —Jesus (Matthew 23:3)
Here’s a riddle: What is something that everyone has that we are able to clearly see in others yet rarely in ourselves?
If you answered “blind spots”, […]
Man’s Problem: Sin. God’s Solution: One Perfect Life
Guest: John MacArthur, pastor and author, One Perfect Life
“He [God] made Him [Christ] who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
There has been only one person who has ever lived a sinless life and that is Jesus Christ. His every thought, His every word, His every […]
How God Has Already Won the War on Christmas
Guest: Bodie Hodge, general editor, The War on Christmas
“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night.” (Revelation 12:10b)
At this time of year, we hear news reports about the “war on Christmas”: […]
Sanctification and How To Pursue It
GUEST: Michael Riccardi, author, Sanctification: The Christian Pursuit of God-Given Holiness
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy”. 1 Peter 1:14-16
“Christians cannot afford to be confused about the doctrine of sanctification. That is […]
TCW Minute: Be Anxious for Nothing … But How? (Week of Oct. 31, 2016)
“Be anxious for nothing” … but how? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview.
Anxiety is running high in America, especially concerning the presidential election and the future of the country.
So what is the call for Christians and the church in the midst of this?
That is the question we will answer from God’s Word on Saturday morning, Nov. 12 at The Christian Worldview Fall Conference at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, MN. Join […]