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So far brodiewheaton has created 783 blog entries.
28 May 2022

Biblical Leaders Needed to Reform the Southern Baptist Convention

2022-06-01T11:32:28-05:00May 28, 2022|Categories: Gospel, Homosexuality, Marriage and Family, Racism, Scripture, Social Justice, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: TOM ASCOL, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church (Cape Coral, FL)

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States with over 47,000 churches and 14 million members. The SBC also operates five seminaries, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Lifeway Christian Resources, the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and more.

So when a 400-page report released […]

21 May 2022

Was the 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

2022-10-11T14:17:22-05:00May 21, 2022|Categories: Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: Dinesh D’Souza, Filmmaker, 2000 Mules

After watching Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary film 2000 Mules that shows clear and widespread evidence of voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election, the only rational, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt conclusion is: Joe Biden won the election through criminal and fraudulent means.

In other words, Donald Trump should be the current president.

How did this fraud take place? Consider this quote from […]

12 May 2022

Survey Says: The Church Better Repent and Revive…and Soon

2022-05-18T21:59:57-05:00May 12, 2022|Categories: Church, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , |

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GUEST: Dr. GEORGE BARNA, Cultural Research Center, AZ Christian University

A true follower of Christ has the indwelling Holy Spirit to discern that the professed Bible-believing church in America has drifted. The lights go down and the “worship arts team” spends 30 minutes or more performing the audience into an emotional, quasi-spiritual experience. Then the pastor takes the “stage” and roams, gesticulates, and emotes his (or her) way through a 25-minute “sermon” […]

07 May 2022

12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 2

2022-05-12T17:14:35-05:00May 07, 2022|Categories: Book Review, Featured Resource, Government, Jesus Christ, Persecution, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

GUEST: STEVE MILLER, author, Foreshadows

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Fulfilled prophecy is one of the clearest evidences that Scripture is true and inspired by God. In other words, predictions that were made hundreds of years in advance—such as how Christ would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) or His substitutionary sacrifice for sinners (Isaiah 53)—should lead to the conclusion that Biblical prophecies about the future will be fulfilled as well.

The greatest […]

30 Apr 2022

12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 1

2022-05-05T18:22:31-05:00Apr 30, 2022|Categories: Church, Geopolitical, Heaven, Jesus Christ, Prophecy, Scripture, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: STEVE MILLER, author, Foreshadows

Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus told His disciples that the magnificent temple in Jerusalem—the central place of worship for the Jews—would be destroyed. Shocked, the disciples asked Jesus, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age” (Matthew 24:3-4)?

The disciples back then were asking some of the same questions that believers are asking […]

23 Apr 2022

How the Age-Old Scheme of Lie, Silence, and Control Dominates Our Age

2022-04-27T21:38:21-05:00Apr 23, 2022|Categories: Christian Living, Discernment, Gospel, Government, Scripture, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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Take any of the headline events of our day—Covid-19, accusations of systemic racism, the January 6, 2021 Capitol breach, and the homosexual/transgender movement—and you will see a recurring pattern.

Disinformation (i.e. lies) is propagated by those with power and influence. Those who dare speak the dissenting truth are silenced. And those with power and influence gain more of both.

This is an age-old scheme. Consider what took place after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. […]

16 Apr 2022

Antidote to Deconstruction—Embracing the Truth of Christ

2022-04-20T22:08:31-05:00Apr 16, 2022|Categories: Apologetics, Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: RAY COMFORT, Evangelist, The Evidence Study Bible

Deconstruction. It’s a current term for the age-old affliction the Bible calls apostasy—departing from professed orthodoxy to heterodoxy, often in the form of theological liberalism or atheism.

Joshua Harris, once a popular pastor and author, went through a highly publicized “de-conversion”. There have been many others, often in their twenties and thirties, leading to the coining of another term—Exvangelical.

This Easter weekend, evangelist Ray Comfort joins […]

09 Apr 2022

TOPIC: Disney Is Grooming Children

2022-04-13T21:54:18-05:00Apr 09, 2022|Categories: Apologetics, Discernment, Education, Homosexuality, Marriage and Family, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Transgender, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUEST: ROBERT KNIGHT, columnist, Washington Times

The US Senate has voted to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, despite the fact that she refused to define what a woman is, “doesn’t hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights”,  and consistently sentenced those convicted of child pornography to less-then-recommended prison terms.

Disney, the iconic corporation that operates theme parks and produces popular films, openly declares its intent to promote […]

31 Mar 2022

TOPIC: Pastor in Ukraine War Zone Gives First-Hand Perspective

2022-04-06T22:19:31-05:00Mar 31, 2022|Categories: Christian Living, Geopolitical, Government, Persecution, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: GREG, pastor, Kyiv, Ukraine

It’s been over a month and Ukraine continues to fight back against the military invasion by Vladimir Putin’s Russian forces. The human toll is high—thousands of people have been killed (on both sides), with homes and other non-military buildings destroyed. Cities like Mariupol have been decimated by Russian military bombardment, causing millions of refugees.

Meanwhile, the debate rages in Europe and America about what to do. Is more intervention […]

26 Mar 2022

TOPIC: Nation Collapse Warning: Female Supreme Court Nominee Can’t Define “Woman”

2022-03-31T21:46:57-05:00Mar 26, 2022|Categories: Government, Homosexuality, Humanism, Marriage and Family, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

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GUEST MAT STAVER, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel

U.S. Senate hearings began this week to interview President Biden’s nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Because the Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment and because the court decides on the most critical, future-defining cases for the nation (like abortion and “same-sex marriage”), Senate confirmation hearings can get nasty as the opposition party digs into every detail of the nominee’s judicial and […]

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