01 Feb 2025

TOPIC: Technocracy and the Abraham Accords

2025-02-05T11:01:13-06:00Feb 01, 2025|Categories: Geopolitical, Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , , |

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Alex Newman, CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media
Soeren Kern, Geopolitical Analyst and Managing Editor The Christian Worldview Journal

Front and center at Donald Trump’s inauguration were eight “Tech Titans,” the CEOs of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world, including Apple, Google, Meta, TikTok, OpenAI, Uber, Tesla, and Amazon. Each is reported to have contributed $1M to Trump’s inaugural fund.

Considering […]

23 Nov 2024

TOPIC: How a Trump Presidency May Affect the World Order

2024-11-26T20:51:25-06:00Nov 23, 2024|Categories: Geopolitical, Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: SOEREN KERN, Geopolitical Analyst and incoming Managing Editor of The Christian Worldview Journal

If you heard the program last week, you may have heard that we would be making an exciting announcement this week.

Starting next month in December, in lieu of our annual print letter, we are a launching a new monthly print publication called The Christian Worldview Journal. The Journal provides […]

04 May 2024

TOPIC: The Red-Green Axis Takes Over American Colleges

2024-05-08T00:49:34-05:00May 04, 2024|Categories: Geopolitical, Islam, Israel, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

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GUEST: SOEREN KERN, Geopolitical Analyst and Writing Fellow for Middle East Forum

Hamas, an Islamic militant group bent on Israel’s destruction, launches a surprise attack on Oct. 7 from their territory in Gaza into southern Israel, butchering 1200 civilians and taking captive hundreds more. The Israeli military responds by invading Gaza to decimate Hamas and bring home the captives.

And who do students and professors on […]

06 Jan 2024

TOPIC: Being an Overcomer in a Foreboding New Year

2024-01-12T10:41:38-06:00Jan 06, 2024|Categories: Christian Living, Geopolitical, Government, Immigration, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Uncategorized, Worldview|

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GUEST: GRANT CASTLEBERRY, Senior Pastor, Capital Community Church (Raleigh, NC)

While no one but God knows and determines the events and timing of the future, 2024 portends to be a turbulent year. A presidential election looms in November which will impact to varying degrees whether the United States continues to run full-speed ahead on its God-rejecting, globalist course.

Many other major fissures contribute to the […]

11 Nov 2023

TOPIC: Some Bless, Most Curse—Why the Widely Divergent Stance toward Israel?

2023-11-13T22:45:55-06:00Nov 11, 2023|Categories: Abortion, Geopolitical, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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GUESTS: CHRIS KATULKA, Radio Host, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

A “moral equivalency” is argumentation that attempts to make two opposing sides equal, when in reality one side is far more immoral than the other.

Example: Israel and Hamas. The Islamist group Hamas, based in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, barbarically slaughters 1400 civilians in the October 7 raid on Israel and immediately those […]

04 Nov 2023

TOPIC: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 2

2023-11-10T01:55:13-06:00Nov 04, 2023|Categories: Geopolitical, Prophecy, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUESTS: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media and CHRIS KATULKA, Radio Host, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

The prophet Isaiah spoke the following about God’s control over nations and rulers:

“He it is who reduces rulers to nothing,
Who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.
Scarcely have they been planted,
Scarcely have they been sown,
Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth,
But He merely blows on them, […]

28 Oct 2023

TOPIC: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 1

2023-11-02T21:41:38-05:00Oct 28, 2023|Categories: Geopolitical, Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media

There are wars and rumors of wars taking place in Israel. Armies from the north, like Russia, are flexing their military might in Ukraine and the Middle East. Armies from the east, like China, are enlarging their economic and military power across the world.

So where does that leave the United States of America, arguably the […]

14 Oct 2023

TOPIC: How the War in Israel Could Reshape the World Order

2023-10-17T21:34:03-05:00Oct 14, 2023|Categories: Geopolitical, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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GUEST: SOEREN KERN, Geopolitical Analyst and Writing Fellow for Middle East Forum

In what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others are calling “Israel’s 9/11”, Hamas, a militant Islamist group based in Gaza, a small but densely populated Palestinian territory in southwest Israel, launched a deadly attack this past Saturday which has killed more than 1200 Israelis.

Israel immediately declared war, clearing Israeli towns of […]

08 Jul 2023

TOPIC: Christian Liberty Upheld by Supreme Court While Islam Rises and Rages in France

2023-07-08T07:19:49-05:00Jul 08, 2023|Categories: Geopolitical, Government, Homosexuality, Religious Liberty, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Uncategorized, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

GUESTS: ABRAHAM HAMILTON III, General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst, American Family Association and SOEREN KERN, Writing Fellow for Middle East Forum

Abraham Hamilton III

This week on The Christian Worldview, we are going to examine some current events taking place in America and Europe. First, Abraham Hamilton, General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst for American Family Association, will join us to analyze three decisions […]

20 May 2023

TOPIC: Being Informed and Prepared for the Great Reset

2023-05-22T11:49:29-05:00May 20, 2023|Categories: Geopolitical, Government, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

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For listeners near the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area, there is still opportunity for you to attend The Christian Worldview Speaker Series event on Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 am – 10:30 am at Fourth Baptist Church in Plymouth, MN.

International journalist Alex Newman, who specializes in global trends, will be our featured speaker on “Being Informed and Prepared for the Great Reset.” […]

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